Posts tagged ‘herbal’

March 5, 2018

Useful Tips for Holi 2018

Useful Tips for Holi 2018

Holi Hai!” The moment we hear this, the only thing we imagine is the multiple types of colors floating in the air. Well, Holi is one of the biggest festivals in India and it goes on for 3 to 4 days where everybody expresses their love and joy by applying colors to each other. In the earlier days, the color called “Gulal” was made by crushing marigold flowers and rose petals which was very soothing and healthy. But, as the world changed, we have now landed up with artificial colors mixed with harsh chemicals. Such colors tend to damage the hair and skin as well as health.
Well here are some useful Tips to make your Holi celebrations joyful and not painful:

herbal Holi colors

  1. Always prepare your own herbal Holi colors by using flowers, leaves, edible components like turmeric powder, fruits like pomegranate, beverages like tea, coffee powder etc.
  2. Try playing with water colors as the water particles will keep your skin and hair hydrated in sunlight, though it is mixed with colors.
  3. Choose full sleeved clothes so that the harmful chemicals mixed in Holi colours won’t reach your skin directly.
  4. Apply lots of oils like coconut, almond, mustard or amla oil on the entire body and hair before and after Holi celebration.
  5. Wear a bandana or scarf on your hair so that it will cover maximum area of the hair thereby protecting it from artificial colors.
  6. Also apply thick nail paint on your nails as the strong grease and chemical colors can affect them for days.
  7. Once the Holi celebrations are over, have a quick and thorough shower with Luke warm water in order to take off the maximum color from your body. Once it gets dry, it becomes very difficult to get rid of colors from your skin and hair.

Hair Care After Holi:

Apply oil to your hair and shampoo your hair with a mild herbal shampoo. Try to remove the excess color from the hair and scalp. Apply a lot of conditioner regularly for at least 4 to 5 hair washes after Holi. Make hair oil your best friend as it will help your hair to overcome the damage done by harmful colors in Holi celebration. The application of homemade hair mask made of honey, curd, Aloe Vera, etc. will help you retain the original health of your hair quickly.

Skin Care After Holi:

It is very hard to keep yourself away from colors during Holi. That means, how much ever you try, there is a huge chance of skin damage and roughness due to harmful chemicals mixed with the colors. Never mind, you can still get back your healthy skin. Make sure you do not rub your face or other parts of your body vigorously in order to get rid of colors. This may lead to skin rashes and burning sensations. Instead, apply an herbal cleansing cream or Gram Flour (Besan) gently on your skin. Do not use harsh soap or shower gel as it may further damage your skin. Massage your body with natural oil on a daily basis before your bath & apply body lotions after your bath as it will moisturize the rough skin and heal the skin. Herbal beauty pack or “uptans” are the best remedy for the face as it will not only remove the colors but also nourish the skin and make it glow naturally.

August 17, 2014

Brighten up your skin this monsoon naturally!!


Portrait of woman enjoying the rainKeep the monsoon blues away with natural skincare tips!!


cucumber and rose water

For starters always wash your face several times with plain water to get over the sweating normally associated with humidity. Use  fruit based or strawberry based  facewash twice a day to reduce excess oiliness .Freshen up the skin even more with a natural toner like chilled rose water or cucumber juice. Wipe your face with cotton balls dipped in either one of these refreshing toners –  they will not only freshen up your skin , but also close the pores and reduce excessive oiliness.


Goes without saying that oily heavy creams are a no-no in this sultry weather. Use light aloevera gel or rose water based moisturisers to hydrate the skin naturally without making them oily.People with oily skin  must be noticing how the skin gets even more oilier &duller in humid weather, and get more outbreaks of clogged pores and blackheads. Regular scrubbing twice and deep pore cleansing twice a week helps unclog the pores  and reduce oiliness & acne.

An orange almond honey facepack to brighten up your skin:orange-peel-opt


2 teaspoons orange peel powder
1 teaspoon of ground almond powder
1 teaspoon organic honey
1 teaspoon thick plain yoghurt

Apply it in circular motions on the face and rub gently on the skin, in circular motion.
Then, rinse off with plain water.
Orange peels are a powerhouse of antioxidants like VIT C which protects skin from free radical damage. It also helps keep  acne at bay and makes the skin glow.It also contains mineral nutrients like calcium , magnesium and potassium which are necessary for healthy soft skin.
orange peel powder

Make Orange Peel Powder At Home:

Keep aside orange peels from the orange fruits that you eat, remove the white fibous parts on the inside of the peel and wash them in warm distilled water.Spread the orange peels on  a tray and dry them in the sun  for a day or two.Now crush and powder your peels into a fine powder using a food processor or blender, without adding any water.Store it in an air tight jar.

More tips here


papaya 2


Facepack for very  oily skin: If your skin is very oily, mix  a pack with papaya pulp,multani mitti and rose water . Apply on the face for 15 mins and wash off once it dries. Papaya has papain which helps exfoliate and reduce the pore sizes and multani mitti helps close the pores.



With a little bit of care, you can look your best & make the most of the lovely romantic rains this monsoon!!:)

September 21, 2012

Hibiscus…a godsend to reduce hair fall &dandruff

Lord Ganesha’s favourite flower-the lovely red hibiscus or the shoe flower as it is popularly called has unique medicinal properties in its flower and leaves & is truly a godsend for reducing both hair fall and dandruff, and conditioning our crowning glory beautifully .

In the Indian traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda,  the humble white hibiscus and red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), have always been  considered to have medicinal properties from the age old times.  As a hair treatment, the flowers and dried leaves are boiled in oil along with other spices like fenugreek to make a medicated nourishing hair oil. The leaves and flowers are ground into a fine paste with a little water, and the resulting lathery paste is used as a natural shampoo plus  conditioner.

The leaves and flowers are good for  promoting the growth and dark colour of hair (Nadkarni 1954, Kurup et al 1979) and reducing dandruff and hair loss.
Home made Hibiscus Hair oil :The flowers and dried leaves are boiled in coconut or gingelly oil with fenugreek seeds and then applied to the hair. About 10 flowers or a handful of dried leaves can be used for about 150-200 ml of oil.
Natural Hibiscus Shampoo:  Natural dyes are also prepared from extracts of the flower. The leaves and flowers are mucilaginous and condition the hair . They can be ground with soaked fenugreek seeds and applied to the hair for a cooling effect and to reduce dandruff and hairfall.

So make the most of this lovely God’s gift… available at your very doorstep 🙂

March 27, 2012

Another review of our Revitalising Papaya Fruity facepack on Colorific :)

A review of our Revitalising Fruity facepack by a happening fashion and beauty website Colorific can be viewed here  

Thanks a lot for trying out our natural herbal fruit pack 🙂
A revitalising unique blend of fruity ingredients that revitalise and firm up the skin. Enriched with Papaya and strawberries,natural exfoliators  which reduces freckles,acne and smoothens the skin, Cucumber and Aloevera which cool&moisturise naturally.Helps Reduce Acne,Blackheads&Whiteheads,Pigmentation,Blemishes,Sunspots,freckles and gives you soft satiny skin.


Clean face and neck .Apply Revitalising Fruit Pack evenly over face and neck, avoiding area around eyes and mouth. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and remove with wet sponge/towel. Rinse with cool water.

REVITALISING  PAPAYA FACE  PACK  contains the following ingredients:

Natural Pampering Ingredients:
> Extracts of papaya((Carica papaya)
> Extracts of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa),
> Cucumber(Cucumis sativus) extracts
> Aloevera juice(Aloe barbadensis)
> Fuller’s earth(Multani Mitti)
> Glycerine
>Food grade safe edible preservatives 0.1%
>Perfume 0.1%
Distilled Water


Latin Name : Carica papaya   English Name : Papaya ,Sanskrit / Indian Names : Chirbhita, Erandachirbhita

Papaya being a natural source of pectin is  a natural exfoliator.It helps remove freckles and smoothens the skin.It is  Softening and cleansing .The enzymes in fruit have a deep cleansing effect by breaking down the dead cells of the skin.


Latin Name: (Fragaria ananassa),English Name:Strawberry

It possesses considerable medicinal value as an anti inflammatory agent&exfoliator. The plant is also astringent in nature  and the strawberry juice and extracts are  used to treat more serious skin ailments.


 Latin Name :Cucumis sativus,English Name :Cucumber,Sanskrit / Indian Names :Trapusha, Sukasa,Kakdi

 Cucumber helps keep the facial skin soft. It has healing and soothing effect on the damaged skin and exerts a natural sunscreen effect. It acts as a toner and lightens the facial skin. It is slightly astringent, cool, and refreshing, and is used in lotions, creams and masks.

Latin Names:Aloe barbadensis Mill. ,English Names:Aloevera,Sanskrit Names/Hindi Names:Ghrita-kumari,Kumari

ALOE VERA-the miracle rejuvenator is an exceptional moisturizer.This natural concentrate of aloevera juice, being a totally natural product, gets instantly absorbed and brings life back to dry skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer, soothing protectant and sunscreen-especially for dry scratchy skin.

Principal Constituents:
The leaves contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glycoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin.The  leaf juice forms the main source of the plant. Aloes have long been in use for a host of diseases, and also been used for treatment of wounds, burns, dermatitis, cutaneous leishmaniasis and other skin troubles.

Fuller’s earth or ( Multani Mitti) – Anti-inflammatory in nature.Fuller’s Earth removes deep seated dirt and impurities.  It is an absorbent clay, rich in minerals. Used in face masks for thickening and cleansing, drawing and stimulating qualities. It has worked wonders as a base for the herbal fruity face pack.
Do check it out for yourselves  and don’t forget to leave your candid comments if you have tried it before-What you like it about it&even what you didn’t…;)….Frankly there’s always room for improvement&all the encouragement only inspires us to make even better and better natural products!!:) learn more about our natural herbal products here

February 23, 2012

Go Coco Nutty!!A coconut fenugreek hairmask to reduce hairfall,and dandruff…

A coconut-fenugreek hair mask to reduce hairfall,dandruff ,promote hair growth and nourish dry hair

If you have been to Kerala,you will notice that the older women have lovely luxurious black hair…..The secret of their lovely locks is the natural products that they use for their hair.They regularly apply coconut milk,coconut oil to their hair&wash it off with ritha and shikakai based natural shampoos.
Sharing their time tested recipe for hair growth with you:
Make a paste of 1 teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seeds and  3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk extracted from coconuts.Apply this paste to the scalp,cover with a hot towel or showercap for 30 mins ,and wash off with a herbal shampoo.Condition with a jojoba conditioner.Repeat twice a week for 2 months and check out the hair growth  for yourself!!
Fenugreek seeds replenish hair growth and are a good source of nicotinic acid,lecithin  and protein and also moisturizes hair and reduces dandruff.Coconut milk nourishes the scalp and has been proven time and again to promote hair growth.

So what are you waiting for??Make this age old  priceless recipe your own,and a part of your weekly haircare routine to resolve all your hair problems!!!

February 23, 2012

Reduce Hair fall and dryness of hair with natural remedies!!

Healthy shiny black hair

It is widely known that lovely healthy hair  is our crowning glory and can totally transform your looks.But sadly today loss of  hair is the bane and fear of almost everyone’s lives and a big source of stress itself!!
Did you know that a  hair loss of  25-5o strands/day and even upto 100 strands /day is considered absolutely normal???Isn’t it such a  relief to know  that-Was a huge relief to me at least,how about you’ll???!!!:)
I’m sure you would be glad to know that  the hair that you lose each day was just bound to be shed and only signifies the growth of a new hair….. just like you lose your milk teeth and get new ones when you were kids……:) So stop stressing over the hair in your hairbrush,unless of course it crosses 100 strands/day or falls out in clumps or leaves bald patches behind,you don’t have to worry too much!!Of course it doesn’t hurt to take care of whatever precious hair we do have, before it starts to disappear,right???
So for starters, let’s first understand the structure of hair and get to the root of the problem of  hair loss!!

Hair is  composed mainly of the protein keratin   filaments and  grows from follicles in our skin.  The base of the root is called the bulb or the papilla, this is from where the hair that we see actually grows.Our hair actually grows amazingly fast- approximately at the rate of 1/2 inch  per month.Hair grows approximately at the rate of 1/2 inch per month.The active growing phase of our hair is called the anagen phase,and then it passes into a transitional state or the catagen phase and telogen  phase where it rests for a 100 days and then falls out. Thus a Hair loss of  50-100  strands/day and even upto 100 strands /day is considered absolutely normal.It’s only when it crosses 100 strands/day ,suddenly starts  falling out in clumps or leaves bald patches behind ,that it is  considered to be the condition called Alopecia or Hairloss.

Causes of Hair Loss and Dry Frizzy Hair:

1.Imbalanced Diet
2.Deficiency of Protein and minerals like zinc and selenium  in the diet
3.Hormonal imbalances in women during  adolescence ,pregnancy or menopause.
4.Hormonal imbalances in men-Male pattern baldness(Alopecia areata)  is sometimes caused by a hormone called   DHT(Dihydrotestosterone) which shrinks and eventually kills the hair follicles causing bald patches.An enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone into DHT which causes hairloss.
6. Lack of sleep
7.Low intake  of Water
8.Overuse of Chemical products for the hair or washing with hard water
9.Chemical treatments like Colouring,Perming and Straightening
10.Exposure to Pollutants and  Chemicals in the environment
11.Overexposure to UV Rays
14.Thyroid imbalance or chemotherapy

Do check out which of the above may be the cause of your hair problems,and take professional help for the medically rooted problems like thyroid or hormone imbalance.The other causes can be reversed by taking necessary preacautionary steps
Sadly we only wake up when these conditions get really bad,and then shortcut chemical solutions only end up causing more harm than good.I’m sure all our grandmoms have much much better hair than us& that’s only because they would have followed the age old herbal traditions of haircare,healthy diets and preventive care..So isn’t it time we got back to nature &its natural solutions  for restoring  health&shine and reducing the very much prevalent problem of  hair loss which now plague men and women alike!!

1..Eat right&Nourish your hair from inside out.…….
Hairfall,and dry frizzy hair are more often caused due to deficiencies of Proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet. The first step in tackling these problems would be to  increase protein and omega 3 fatty acids uptake in your diet-especially from eggs,nuts like walnuts,almonds,flaxseeds ,pumpkin seeds,cashewnuts,groundnuts ,soyabeans,olives,legumes, and lots of fruits&veggies….you have to nourish it from inside out as well!!
Good hair nutrition begins with getting enough protein, which is the building block of your hair which is composed of 70 percent keratin protein.Egg whites contain a large amount of protein–ranging from 3.6 to 6.5 g per egg–and help rebuild damaged hair by filling in weakened spots along the hair strand, which  strengthens the hair.They are also rich in several minerals, including zinc,selenium, iron,potassium and sodium, esential amino acids vitamins like choline which regulates hormones,as well as Vit E,Vitamins from the B family and Vit D which are all essential for healthy hair.
Walnuts are an excellent source of vitamin E,and omega 3 fatty acids  strengthen the hair and keep it well protected from dryness .Munch just 7 walnuts a day and you will have met the recommended levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein.Drink lots of water as well as deficiency of water can cause dryness and frizziness due to lack of moisture in the hair.

2.Supplement your diet with Zinc ,Selenium and Iron:
Deficiency of Zinc ,Selenium and Iron have been found to cause hairloss in both men and women .
Zinc inhibits the production of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase which converts testosterone into DHT,which is responsible for baldness especially in men.Zinc  and selenium is  found in high concentrations in most  protein-rich foods,seafood and eggs. If you are a vegetarian, you will most probably intake less zinc that those who have meat-based diets. Vegeterian sources of Zinc are dairy products such as milk and cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, and wholegrain cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, potato and yogurt. Of all these, pumpkin seeds offer one of the most concentrated non-meat food sources of zinc.
Anaemia can cause severe hair loss  and cause it to fall out in clumps.Add Olives& walnuts to your diet to fight anaemia :
they  are both very high in iron content which reduce anaemia thus reducing hair fall as well.

2.To overcome hair fall,Keep your cool literally!!:)
According to Ayurveda ,excessive heat generated in the scalp(pittha)causes hair loss.Ayurveda recommends keeping the scalp moist and cool with oil massages of herbal hair oil made by infusing coconut oil or sesame oil  with extracts of amla,brahmi,hibiscus and fenugreek which cool the system and scalp and encourage growth of hair.
Pamper your hair with a herbal hair oil massage the right way:With 2-4 tsps of warmed  hair oil,use 4 fingertips to start massaging at the base of the neck.Massage the scalp with  circular  and zigzag movements of the fingers gently.Cover the hair with a  hot towel or showercap for 30 minutes,so that the body heat helps the herbal oil get absorbed better.Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo.Repeat twice  a week for best results.

3.Go coco-nutty!!……A coconut-fenugreek hair mask to reduce hairfall,dandruff ,promote hair growth and nourish dry hair-Apply this hairmask  twice a week for 2 months and check out the hair growth  for yourself!!
Fenugreek seeds replenish hair growth and are a good source of nicotinic acid,lecithin  and protein and also moisturizes hair and reduces dandruff.Coconut milk nourishes the scalp and has been proven to promote hair growth.

4.  Apple Cider Vinegar  rinse reduces  dryness and  frizziness of  hair,as well as hairloss:It acts by  removing deposits of minerals from hard water and residue styling products on the hair strands.Use as a final rinse after shampooing with a herbal shampoo and conditioning with a jojoba based conditioner.You could either spray it as a final rinse,or pour it over your hair bending over a sink.Towel dry,and your hair will be softer and shinier.

5.Aloevera  gel helps in healing the scalp, balances the PH level of the scalp and cleans the pores. An excellent home made nourishing conditioner for promoting hair growth and reducing frizziness of  hair:Take 1-2 aloevera leaves,soak overnight.Peel off the skin.Mix 1 tbsp of thick aloevera gel inside,with 1 tsp of olive oil,1 tsp of  herbal hair oil or coconut oil and 2 tbsp papaya pulp. You can use ready  aloevera gel for this mix as well.Mix in a blender,and apply this pulpy mixture to your scalp and hair.Leave for an hour. Wash off thoroughly&see how soft your hair feels:)

6.  Aromatherapy  is recommended for reducing hair loss and conditioning the hair.Essential oils promote hair growth by improving circulation to the scalp, cleanse and nourish the hair follicles. Mix 1 tbsp of jojoba oil,3 drops of rosemary oil,3 drops of lavender oil,3 drops of lemon oil with  a wooden or plastic spoon and massage well  into the hair roots.Wash hair using a herbal shampoo and condition with a jojoba conditioner. Rinse well.

7. Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea reduces hair loss as well,especially by inhibiting the action of DHT which causes baldness,especially in males.Male pattern baldness is caused by the action of a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which kills hair follicles and causes baldness.Green Tea  inhibits the production of 5-alpha reductase,which converts testosterone into DHT.

8.Nourishing and conditioning egg and olive oil or herbal hair oil hairmask .Use a jojoba conditioner or a protein based conditioner to tame dry and frizzy hair.
Method:Take 2 eggs in a medium-sized bowl, beat eggs with a whisk. Add 4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or herbal hairoil and continue to whisk until foamy. Apply entire contents of bowl to your scalp and hair and massage well. Cover the head with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes at least. Wash hair using a herbal shampoo and lukewarm water. Rinse well.
Truly  following all these natural tips,to make your own natural green hair remedies not only protects your health,saves you money and supports the planet – three great reasons for giving these natural hair treatments a try!Feel free to add your feedback on these natural treatments ,and your own time tested tips of course!!!

October 12, 2011

Unveil Nature’s Beauty Secrets…….

Have you ever  wondered why the women of yore had much better hair and skin than we do today??Did you ever hear of our elders using or needing chemical  hair conditioners,sunscreens,astringents,toners,peel off masks,anti aging creams or worrying about acne,falling hair,dandruff,frizz and premature greying???Not likely at all!!!

Well,it’s time we shared their secret with you…..They actually had a secret valuable friend to help them out;)Guess who!!!!…She was none other than Mother Nature-“Prakriti“…..Truly Nature has proven herself not only to be  an ace cosmeticologist,but also a healing doctor and an expert chemist . From the ancient times,natural ingredients in plants that were used for skin and hair care had amazing curative,protective and preventive properties and being natural were harmfree and totally free of any side effects.The ancient natural skin and haircare recipes which are integral parts of our  Indian herbal heritage have been handed down for generations &have truly stood the test of time .

Applying turmeric to a young bride-to-be is an essential  part of traditional Indian weddings even today,and has its roots in the natural beautifying and antiseptic properties of  Turmeric.There are countless  myriad  examples of  natural cleansers like lemon and shikakai,moisturisers like aloevera,astringents like lemon,humectants like  honey,sunscreens like sandalwood and aloevera,haircolourants like henna,nourishers like almond,jojoba  and wheatgerm oil,exfoliators like papaya and walnut,and antiseptics like neem and tulsi……and these are just a few of the countless gifts of nature available to us.
Products created from natural ingredients available at home have essential vitamins, minerals, nutrients and healing properties that work with your body to heal and protect the skin naturally.………So why look elsewhere when we can make simple beauty remedies from  ingredients found in our kitchen or home gardens ??

Just remember these  basic rules for home made beauty care :
Use simple at home recipes with fresh ingredients .
Use clean equipment and containers.
Make small batches of the product that you would use each day.
Do a patch test before trying out any home made beauty recipes to avoid any side effects.

 Nature’s treasure trove  of  natural cosmetics is truly endless which is precisely the reason we thought it was about time we unveiled all  the bounties Mother Nature has had in store for us…………………….:)