Posts tagged ‘aloevera’

December 30, 2019

Essential skincare tips for healthy winter skin

Essential skincare tips for healthy winter skin

Essential skin care tips for healthy winter skin

Let’s get mathematical this winter.

Winter is directly proportional to Dry skin, chapped lips, flare, etc, etc to totally damage our skin.

Skincare in winter differs for each skin type so thus we need different remedies for each.

Let’s check out  Oily skin first…


1. Winter care tips for oily skin


Winter care tips for oily skin

Winter care tips for oily skin


  • Choose an oil-free moisturizer and use it regularly, Ensure that you moisturize after every face washing routine, as this will keep the oils balanced.
  • Exfoliate your skin regularly using a walnut wheat germ exfoliating scrub.
  • Use herbal lip balm for chapped and dry lips.
  • Do not take a hot shower, use warm water as hot water strips your skin of natural oil.
  • Consume 8-10 glasses of water which helps you keep your skin hydrated.
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin regularly.



2. Winter care tips for dry skin


2)Winter care tips for dry skin

Winter care tips for dry skin


  • Regular cleansing is very important for dry skin, even during winter, as cleansing removes the impurities that can trigger skin problems like pimples, blackheads & whiteheads.
  • Buff Your Skin with a light exfoliator- Walnut scrub.
  • Avoid Toxins, Specifically Allergens, and Irritants.
  • Hydrate From the Inside Out – Eating foods high in water content can help hydrate your skin from the inside out.
  • Use sunscreen lotion when exposed to the sun.
  • Ensure that you moisturize your skin every time you wash your face.


Feel the softness & freshness of your skin this Winter!

read more »

March 31, 2017

5 Effective Homemade Remedies for Removing Suntan

5 Effective Homemade Remedies for Removing Suntan

It’s Summer time! Explore the bright sunny day with lots of fun which you missed out in Winter. But wait! What if the skin gets sunburnt and tanned? Well, you need not worry about that as there are a number of homemade recipes which will help in removing the skin tan naturally.

These are the 5 Effective Homemade Remedies for Removing Suntan in Summer.

 1. Lemon Juice

  • Slice the lemon into medium thick pieces and rub it on your tanned skin.
  • Leave it on for 2 to 3 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Do this once or twice daily to see effective results.

2. Lemon Juice, Cucumber, And Rose Water

  • Mix juice of half a Lemon, paste of Cucumber slices, and enough amount of Rose Water to make a thick paste
  • Apply this mixture to the tanned sunburnt skin area and massage gently.
  • Keep the paste for 10 to 12 minutes before wash.

You can apply this pack every day for instant results.

3: Aloe Vera, Masoor Dal & Tomato Pack

  • Make a fine scrub by mixing red lentil powder (masoor dal) with ample tomato and aloe vera juice.
  • Apply the paste on your face and scrub gently. let it stay for half an hour before you wash it off with cold water.

Use this pack on alternate days for at least a week or two to see a visible difference.

4: Honey and Papaya Pack

  • Mash a fully ripe papaya and add sufficient honey to it.
  • Blend the ingredients properly to make a fine papaya pack.
  • Now, apply it on your face completely and keep it for half an hour.
  • Finally, wash off with lukewarm water for best results.

Apply this at least twice or thrice a week.

5: Sandalwood pack

  • Add rose water to the sandalwood powder and blend to get a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste on the tanned face or skin areas.
  • Keep it on until it dries up completely and then rinses it using water.

Do this every alternate night before going to bed.

So, hope you find the recipes for 5 Effective Homemade remedies for removing suntan valuable in fighting sunburn. Stay tan free and enjoy this summer season 2017 to the fullest

October 22, 2016

How to Deal with Dry Skin Issues?

How to Deal with Dry Skin Issues?

City life is full of crowd, pollution and unhealthy living. In such case, it’s natural to have all type of skin issues especially to those who mostly travel or expose to the sunlight. Well, there are many reasons behind skin issues and today we are going to have a small discussion on dry skin problems and the natural solution for it.

The basic cause for skin dryness are:

  • Less Water Consumption
  • Too much Junk Food
  • Change in Season (Winter)
  • Skin with Less Moisture Content
  • Medicine Side Effects
  • Use of Unsuitable Cosmetics, etc.

Give your skin something natural – Apply Aloevera juice and Rose-Water on your skin which will not only hydrate your skin but also holds back the required moisture. Rose water has been considered as the best cleanser since ancient age and aloevera has thick juice which keeps your skin pores locked with appropriate moisture.

Winter is the time when you have to run for cold cream, moisturiser and so on for retaining the softness of your skin. But, there is always a risk of skin damage or other issues. So, ladies and gentlemen, this winter season, you don’t have to think How to Deal with Dry Skin Issues because you can prepare a homemade remedy for dry, patchy skin.

rose water and aloevera juice for dry skin


  • Dip aloevera in water for overnight and peel the outer layer the next day
  • After that, scoop the aloevera and collect in the bowl
  • Add rose water accordingly and mix both the ingredients well
  • Now, apply it on your face and skin gently. Keep it for 30 min.
  • Now, rinse with fresh water or clean with rose water

Always give first priority for natural remedy as it does not possess any side effect. Likewise, the Rose aloevera recipe is very easy to make and effective for all skin type.

March 10, 2015

Offer for Women’s week- Celebrate the Woman in You!!

Offer for Women's week- Celebrate the Woman in You!!

Celebrate the woman in you!!
Happy women’s week to all you spirited, gutsy, inspiring,nurturing, beautiful inside out women out there!!
In your honour we are pleased to offer a 10% discount on all our natural skin care &hair care products this week on all orders placed on Facebook or directly with us at from 8th March to 15th March.

Contact us for free consultations at 080-26486359 so that we can suggest customized products for your specific concerns.Order online at or email us at

Pamper yourself – coz you totally deserve it !!

January 10, 2014

Clear Acne overnight with a Honey, Aloe vera and Cinnamon Face Mask

honey cinnamon                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Honey, Aloevera and Cinnamon Anti acne Mask  : 

aloe-vera-gel-from-leafAn ancient ayurvedic remedy that has been handed down over generations,this has been proven to be manna for the skin & a sure antidote for acne.
Honey and aloevera  are antimicrobial agents  and prevent  the growth of bacteria and fungi. Honey and aloevera  are  anti-inflammatory in nature and  will reduce redness, while cinnamon  improves  blood circulation for faster healing. Regular use of this treatment as a mask (2-3 times a week) will help to reduce chronic acne and improves the overall skin tone. This can also be used as an overnight spot treatment when pimples threaten to rear their ugly heads.

Ingredients :  1 tsp honey (raw organic honey preferably),1  tsp of aloevera gel , and a pinch of  cinnamon powder.

How to use it: Cleanse and dry your face with a natural facewash .Mix the above ingredients well in  a bowl and apply the mask directly on the pimple . Leave it on over night. Rinse it off in the morning .You can also apply it as a facemask  regularly once a week to keep acne,blackheads and whiteheads  away.
Do try it &feel free to share your  tips to get rid of that pesky pimple sure our readers would love to hear of them along with our natural remedies for acne-esp the teenagers!! 🙂
Pic courtesy

January 6, 2014

DIY Tips to identify and manage dry, curly, oily or damaged hair

 healthy hair

It has been rightly said that your hair is your crowning glory- any wonder that we all worry about it so much;) One of our foremost desires is to have thick, healthy, shiny , bouncy hair isn’t it… and we would do anything to get them looking absolutely fabulous!!

For that we need to know more about our hair type, its porosity and density so that we can choose hairstyles or products that are best suited to it and highlight its strengths . Find out more in detail about your roots and the detailed structure of the hair here.

Did you know that the angle at which the hair comes out of the follicle is related to its shape??The shape of the follicle determines the shape of the cortex, and the shape of the fiber is related to how straight or curly the hair is!!!Straight hair shoots straight out from the scalp and is round in cross section.Wavy hair is oval in shape and comes out of the scalp at an angle,whereas curly hair is flattened and comes out of the scalp at an extreme angle…so blame whatever hair you have on your genes;)

The thumb rule to distinguish between dry, oily and normal hair and scalp is to watch its behavior for 4 days post a hair wash with your regular shampoo and conditioner with a test called the DAY 1234 test courtesy Dr Aparna Santhanam- a leading hair& skin specialist -am a big fan of hers!!
Day 1. After a day, If both the scalp and hair feel greasy to touch- You have OILY HAIR/SCALP
Day 2. 2 days after a shampoo, if your hair needs a wash and your scalp is greasy-you have NORMAL HAIR/SCALP
Day 3. 3 days after a shampoo, if your scalp feels greasy and your hair is limp, you have NORMAL TO DRY HAIR/SCALP
Day 4. 4 days after a shampoo,if both your scalp and hair are still dry – then you have DRY HAIR/SCALP

 Few more pointers to distinguish the different hair types :

Dry,frizzy  hair is dull, lackluster and usually characterized by a feeling of dryness, split ends or hair that is brittle and breaks easily. This type of hair feels rough,and not smooth and silky and is generally indicated by frizziness, fly away hair  and a lack of shine .Dryness can be caused by insufficient oil production by the  sebaceous glands on the scalp or due to hormonal imbalances, diets deficient in proteins and vitamins or due to chemical treatments.

People with dry hair need to deliver moisture to the hair’s inner cortex while keeping the cuticle well lubricated and tight.
Dry hair needs protection in the form of emollients and lubricants like herbal hair oils which will lubricate the outside cuticle layer of hair,and create a shine as well. Humectants like aloevera are also needed to retain the moisture within this type of hair.

B.   Curly Hair

curly hair Curly hair gets tangled easily is difficult to manage & is also often prone to becoming extremely dry. That’s because the curl keeps the hair away from your scalp and sebum which is the scalp’s natural moisturizers sebum does not reach the hair strands . Therefore  the trick is to  moisturise curly or frizzy hair  without weighing it down with heavy, damaging residues or making it oily and more likely to collect dirt. Light products like aloe vera based gels or light hibiscus or aloe vera based  shampoos suit curly frizzy hair better.
Tips for people with dry hair or curly frizzy hair:
1.Massage your hair with nourishing  oils like olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil or pamper your hair with a natural hairmask  of eggs,curds or  papaya   before a hairwash . Use  a pre -wash hydrating conditioner as far as possible
2. Wash your hair 2 times a week with a mild shampoo and products formulated  for dry hair containing natural moisturising conditioning agents like aloe vera, hibiscus etc.
3. Use a rinse off  or leave in conditioner based on natural oils like olive, jojoba oils
4. Have  a healthy diet fortified with proteins&vitamins  like eggs, sprouts etc &drink lots of water

C. Oily Hair and Scalp:

oily-hairOily Hair usually  goes hand in hand with an oily scalp.The sebaceous glands in this case work overtime& hair tends to take on a  limp,greasy look. A diet rich in oily and junk food can also lead to an oily scalp

Tips for Oily Hair/Scalp:
1.Wash your hair 3-4 times a week with a natural shampoo and products formulated  for oily hair with amla ,shikakai,reetha to cut down the grease and restore the bounce.
2. Apply light oils or gels before a shower or a paste of fenugreek , but avoid leave in conditioners which can make the hair very limp.
3. Add flaxseeds &  chia seeds  to your diet , and cut down on oily food and junk.

Normal Hair:

normal hair
Lucky are the ones who have normal hair!!! Normal hair is hair that is strong,resilient, moisturised and shiny and a normal scalp is one that is moist and pink without any flaking,irritation or bumps.The goal of people blessed with normal hair is simply to maintain it in the same balanced state.
Tips For Normal Hair:
1.Wash your hair 3-4 times a week with a natural shampoo formulated  for normal hair .
2. Apply  a pre wash conditioner or hair mask or lightly massage the scalp with coconut or olive oil to maintain the shine and bounce of your hair.
3. Condition with a mild conditioner
4. Add colored fruits, strawberries, peppers and asparagus to your diet

Colored,  Straightened or Permed Hair:

coloured hairIsn’t it ironical that   those with curly hair get it straightened and those who are bored with poker straight hair get it permed or curled…Well,the grass is always greener on the other side isn’t it’;) …..C’est la vie!!:D
However it is our poor hair than bears the brunt of all these chemical treatments which include colouring hair as well.

The hair’s outer cuticle is normally made up of a very tightly packed network of cells which do not allow moisture to escape and keep it moisturised and soft and is responsible for  shiny, healthy hair,. The alkalis used for Colouring ,perming or straightening  treatments  first cause swelling of the cells that form your hair’s outer cuticle.  The chemicals used in dyes  then    penetrate the swollen cuticle and move into the underlying cortex, and peroxide first  bleaches out the pigment that’s there in the first place,so that the pigments can then change the colour of your hair. The first one or two times,the cells may shrink back to its original tight mesh.But the problem arises when we repeatedly subject our hair to chemical treatments.The  more often you do this, the less likely it is that these cuticle cells will shrink back into the tight, smooth network and thus become dry and frizzy. There is no way to totally replace damaged cuticle on existing hair -the only solution is to wait for new hair to grow.
Use  a good conditioner like aloevera or jojoba oil will act by filling in the gaps formed between the damaged cells and replacing  the lost moisture,thus restoring some softness and shine to the hair.

Tips for people with coloured, straightened or permed hair:
1.Massage your hair with nourishing oils like olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil or pamper your hair with a natural hairmask  of eggs, curds or  papaya   before a hairwash . Use  a pre -wash hydrating conditioner as far as possible
2. Wash your hair 2  times a week with a mild shampoo formulated  for damaged hair containing natural moisturising conditioning agents like aloe vera, hibiscus  etc.
3. Use a moisturising rinse off conditioner or leave in conditioner based on natural oils like olive, jojoba oils
4. Have  a healthy diet fortified with proteins, chia seeds &vitamins.

Hope this helps you decide on the right products and regimen to suit you hair type. Will be updating soon on tips to also estimate the density and porosity of your hair with simple DIY tests…keep watching this space 🙂

December 31, 2013

2013 in review- Beauty Blog Crossed 1,00,000 hits!!!!! :)

Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 67,000 times in 2013 alone and crossed a milestone of 100000 views in 2013. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden,
it would take more than several sold-out performances for that many people to see it
….Any wonder  we are feeling just on top of the world!!:)

The busiest day of the year was June 25th with 392 views. The most popular 
post that day was   Fenugreek reduces hair fall,dryness and dandruff naturally!!

fenugreek seeds and leaves.2


Fenugreek reduces hair fall,dryness and dandruff naturally!!   43,609
Home page / Archives   17,278
Banish those darkshadows-Undereye circles forever…….   9,201
Papaya Aloevera facepack reduces acne,pigmentation,dryness and adds a glow!!   5,054
Go Coco Nutty!!A coconut fenugreek hairmask to reduce hairfall,and dandruff…   4,596
Apple cider vinegar drives dandruff, hair loss and acne away……   3,848
Reduce Hair fall and dryness of hair with natural remedies!!   2,492
Beat the heat with a Refreshing Summer drink from black grapes……Enjoy!!!:)   2,405
Home made Nourishing Aloe Vera Papaya Hairmask to reduce dryness and frizziness of hair   2,235
Glow food for the skin-Yummy Strawberries!!!   1,742
Fenugreek-Nature’s Boon For All Round Health!!   1,344

 We  had viewers from all over the world- 171 countries in all!!
Most of our visitors came from India ….however The United States & The United Kingdom were not far behind 🙂
India: 43027 views        USA: 23283 views     UK: 6372 views

We thank our fabulous viewers all over the world for helping us cross the  super milestone of 100000 views  and for your immense faith in us . 
We promise to make a new beginning from 2014 to bring forth a fresh bouquet of fabulous DIY skincare tips  and  haircare tips , using the best of what nature has to offer!!
Wishing you all a fresh beautiful and fabulous 2014 from the Prakriti Herbals team !!! 🙂 🙂


September 3, 2012

Refresh your skin with an Aloevera gel and Rose facemask

Refresh and moisturize your skin with a facepack made of Rose water and Aloevera gel – this lovely synergistic combo  helps reduce acne, dryness, psoriasis, undereye circles, sunspots, pigmentation , allergic skin conditions like dermographism & dermatitis  and even wrinkles.

Aloe Vera – the “Miracle Plant” is an excellent natural remedy for sensitive suntanned skin.  It acts as a natural moisturizer, soothing protectant and sunscreen-especially for dry scratchy skin.  It reduces and prevents acne, promotes collagen production giving a healthy glow to your skin& preventing ageing.

Aloe Vera Rose Face Mask For  Dry Skin:
You can make a  wonderful aloe Vera mask from simple ingredients available at home like rose water& aloevera gel .
Add three tablespoons of aloe Vera  gel and 1tsp of rose water in a cup. Mix these ingredients to make a paste. Apply this paste with a cotton ball all over your face and neck. You can also apply this paste to your hands or any other area that is exposed to sun. This face pack is particularly useful for suntanned and sunburnt  areas.Let this pack dry for 10-15 minutes and wash off  with lukewarm water. Pat dry your face gently. Use daily if possible for best results.

MAKING ROSE WATER AT HOME– Courtesy Nayana Shetty

Water— 1 litre
Rose Petals—- 200 grams
Wash the rose petals well before adding it in boiling water. Keep it for about 20 minutes on a  low fire. After cooling, strain the rose water and store it in bottle and refrigerate.

Rosewater which has been used from ancient times is an excellent soothing toner , cleanser and moisturises and hydrates the skin. It  stimulates cell regeneration and is anti ageing , also reducing     acne, dryness, dermatitis and even eczema.

Give yourself a refreshing face-lift & keep dry scratchy skin, acne and wrinkles  at bay with this refreshing aloevera gel rose facemask !

June 20, 2012

Contest Time!!!Win a fabulous gift hamper of natural products!!

Prakriti Herbals and Colorific India brings to you a golden opportunity to grab a mini facial kit for yourself.

About Prakriti Herbals

“Prakriti Herbals” is a name synonymous with nature and goodness of Ayurveda. Mankind has always turned back to Mother Earth for cures and that is Prakriti –Nature. At Prakriti Herbals, We believe in the Vedanta philosophy, which emphasizes that nature has always provided an abundance of plants, roots, flowers and herbs rich in vitamins, enzymes, proteins and minerals that have been used in body and skin-care from time immemorial.More details about the benefits &ingredients of these natural products on
For Product reviews on these excellent products please check out  :

Revitalizing Fruit pack

Exfoliating Walnut Scrub

Soothing Rose gel

1. Like  both the Facebook fan pages:

a) Colorific India

b) Prakriti Herbals

2. Tag Colorific and Prakriti Herbals in your Facebook status.”Win Prakriti Herbals Hamper on Colorific”

3. Answer a few simple questions

a).Name any two products in the Prakriti Herbals mini facial gift hamper and reason why you like them.

b).Name any two products which contain hibiscus in Prakriti Herbals hair care range.

Optional Entries.

1. Follow Colorific India through twitter. @colorificindia

2. Follow Prakriti Herbals blog

The contest is open to Indian residents only.

The last day to submit your entries is 30 June 2012.

What are you waiting for !Grab this fabulous opportunity now!!!

May 22, 2012

Banish those darkshadows-Undereye circles forever…….

What’s our no 1 worry?????According to a recent  survey of 13,000 women, under-eye circles (and puffiness) are the demons to beat!!
The skin under our eyes is very thin. As we get exposed to sun rays, the  skin under the eyes gets damaged and becomes more thin and wrinkled. The veins below this thin skin start looking prominent. Thus the wrinkles and prominent veins form dark circles. Some times pigmentation also causes dark circles.

Common causes of  under-eye circles.

  •  Allergies -Eczema-atopic dermatitis
  • Lack of sleep:. Scrimping on your beauty rest not only causes blood vessels to become more visible; it also cause swelling, which can accentuate dark circles.
  • Heredity — dark under-eye circles can run in families
  • Lifestyle factors: physical or emotional stress, smoking, or chronic alcohol use can take a toll on your appearance
  • Nasal Congestion (which can dilate and darken the veins that drain from your eyes to your nose)
  • Pigmentation irregularities — these are a particular concern for people of color, especially blacks and Asians
  • Rubbing or scratching your eyes
  • Sun exposure : Prompts your body to produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color
  • Ageing :Thinning skin and loss of fat and collagen — common as you age — can make the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes more obvious
Thus Dark circles under your eyes can strike men, women and children alike and are very difficult to get rid off.
However Facial exercises &Natural remedies can help reduce the appearance of dark circles or bags under your eyes as they tone your facial muscles.

Facial Tapping

Tapping your face can help improve the circulation of blood underneath your eyes. Make sure your hands are clean, then use the pad of your little  finger to tap the skin under the eye area. By tapping lightly and quickly, you can help boost circulation in your face

Ear Massages

Did you know that massaging your ears can help make your face glow, which can in turn reduce the appearance of dark eye circles :)…. Use your index finger and thumb to lightly massage and tug at the rims of your ears.

Bed Exercise

This exercise can help promote the circulation of blood throughout your face, including around your eyes. Lie flat on your bed on your back. Your head should be hanging off the edge of your bed. Slowly lift your head up and bring it as close to your chest as possible. Hold this position for a count of 10 seconds. Relax and repeat five times.

Eyebrow Lifts

This exercise can help eliminate the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Sit up straight and close your eyes. Relax for a minute or two. While opening your eyes wide, lift your eyebrows up as high as you possibly can. Hold this position for a count of two seconds. Relax for two seconds and repeat. Complete this exercise 10 times.

Look Up and Down

Rapid eye movements can help reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes. Sit down with your back straight and your eyes facing forward. Close your eyes and look down. Keep your eyes closed and look up. Complete this exercise as rapidly as possible. Repeat 10 times. Remember to avoid opening your eyes.


Natural Remedies

  • Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, especially for people having dark circles under their eyes.
  • Diet: Eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet, drink plenty of water (eight 8-ounce glasses daily), and avoid alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks. These go a long way in preventing bags, circles and wrinkles. Supplement your diet with antioxidants,multivitamins and greens and drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices.
  • Rosemary  or chamomile Tea Treatment: Try applying a cold compress of  rosemary tea /chamomile tea  to increase circulation, which helps reduce swelling around the eyes. Make tea by bringing a half-cup of fresh rosemary and a quart of water to a boil. Steep for 20 minutes, then strain and chill. Soak a  soft cloth in the tea, ring out extra liquid anal place over eyes for 15 to 20 minutes, once a day, as needed.
    Green Teabag Treatment:
    Refrigerate used green tea bags overnight,and use them as eye pads to reduce undereye circles&puffiness around the eyes…..Green tea contains tannins and antioxidants which improve the circulation in the area and reduce dark circles.
    Lie down &put the cold tea bags over your eyes, making certain that they are covering the area around the eye . Let them stay for 10 to 15 minutes before removing them from your eyes. Repeat this procedure over several days & you will see a reduction in dark circles.
  • Acupressure: Another circulation-boosting treatment is acupressure. This is an easy exercise that you can also do every day. Close your eyes and gently press your ring finger underneath one eye, moving from the inside corner to the outside corner. Do this 10 to 15 times. Then repeat on the other eye.
  • Cold compress: Close your eyes and cover them with a cold washcloth or chilled cucumber slices for about five minutes. Repeat several times throughout the day. That will help constrict your blood vessels, minimizing darkness, and it may help minimize tissue swelling and eliminate some of the darkness.
  • Moisturise with aloevera : To minimize the appearance of bags, plump up skin with light non greasy moisturizers  like aloevera  or cucumber based gels that protects skin cells from damage and supports collagen production,and improve circulation
  • Spread on the sunscreen. Use a sunscreen especially made for the face with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, but preferably 20, “all day every day,” to keep the sun’s rays from darkening the skin under your eyes,
  • Freeze some parsley in ice cubes. Use the parsley cubes instead of eye creams to diminish dark circles and puffiness. Parsley is packed with chlorophyll which helps fade darkness, while the ice cubes reduce the swelling.
  • Potato/Cucumber combinations are helpful.

    • Close your eyes and cover eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and apply a cream.
    • Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lemon juice, lanolin cream and cucumber juice and apply around the eye for 10-15 minutes.
    • Dip some cotton in a 1:1 mixture of potato and cucumber juices. Put the cotton on your eyelids and keep for 20 minutes. Wash your eyes with cold water.
  • Lemon/Tomato combinations are helpful.
    • Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice (equal parts) on the black circles 2 times a day.
    • Make a paste out of the following:
      • 1 tsp. tomato juice,
      • 1/2 tsp. lemon juice,
      • a pinch of turmeric powder, and
      • 1 tsp. of flour.

      Apply around eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing.

  • Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the improvement. Almond helps to remove dark circles, and is an excellent “skin food”.
  • Vitamin E  Rub: Gently massage the area with a powdered Vitamin E capsule and wipe off with a mixture of honey and egg white.
  • Put hot and cold cloths alternatively under eyes for 10 minutes. Then apply some almond oil on the dark surface before going to bed.Eye exercises alone cannot eliminate the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. It is important to get plenty of sleep and practice good skin care. You should also avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco products. Remember that as you age, dark circles often appear naturally. While they cannot be prevented, these simple natural remedies & facial exercises  in tandem with a  healthy diet and lifestyle will help chase these demons away forever 🙂 Do give them a shot ,though with a lot of patience &keep me posted about the results……………….