Posts tagged ‘cinnamon’

January 10, 2014

Clear Acne overnight with a Honey, Aloe vera and Cinnamon Face Mask

honey cinnamon                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Honey, Aloevera and Cinnamon Anti acne Mask  : 

aloe-vera-gel-from-leafAn ancient ayurvedic remedy that has been handed down over generations,this has been proven to be manna for the skin & a sure antidote for acne.
Honey and aloevera  are antimicrobial agents  and prevent  the growth of bacteria and fungi. Honey and aloevera  are  anti-inflammatory in nature and  will reduce redness, while cinnamon  improves  blood circulation for faster healing. Regular use of this treatment as a mask (2-3 times a week) will help to reduce chronic acne and improves the overall skin tone. This can also be used as an overnight spot treatment when pimples threaten to rear their ugly heads.

Ingredients :  1 tsp honey (raw organic honey preferably),1  tsp of aloevera gel , and a pinch of  cinnamon powder.

How to use it: Cleanse and dry your face with a natural facewash .Mix the above ingredients well in  a bowl and apply the mask directly on the pimple . Leave it on over night. Rinse it off in the morning .You can also apply it as a facemask  regularly once a week to keep acne,blackheads and whiteheads  away.
Do try it &feel free to share your  tips to get rid of that pesky pimple sure our readers would love to hear of them along with our natural remedies for acne-esp the teenagers!! 🙂
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