Posts tagged ‘blackheads’

January 10, 2014

Clear Acne overnight with a Honey, Aloe vera and Cinnamon Face Mask

honey cinnamon                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Honey, Aloevera and Cinnamon Anti acne Mask  : 

aloe-vera-gel-from-leafAn ancient ayurvedic remedy that has been handed down over generations,this has been proven to be manna for the skin & a sure antidote for acne.
Honey and aloevera  are antimicrobial agents  and prevent  the growth of bacteria and fungi. Honey and aloevera  are  anti-inflammatory in nature and  will reduce redness, while cinnamon  improves  blood circulation for faster healing. Regular use of this treatment as a mask (2-3 times a week) will help to reduce chronic acne and improves the overall skin tone. This can also be used as an overnight spot treatment when pimples threaten to rear their ugly heads.

Ingredients :  1 tsp honey (raw organic honey preferably),1  tsp of aloevera gel , and a pinch of  cinnamon powder.

How to use it: Cleanse and dry your face with a natural facewash .Mix the above ingredients well in  a bowl and apply the mask directly on the pimple . Leave it on over night. Rinse it off in the morning .You can also apply it as a facemask  regularly once a week to keep acne,blackheads and whiteheads  away.
Do try it &feel free to share your  tips to get rid of that pesky pimple sure our readers would love to hear of them along with our natural remedies for acne-esp the teenagers!! 🙂
Pic courtesy

March 17, 2012

Herbal Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne!!!The bane of every one’s life………….Haven’t we all been plagued by acne at one point of time in our lives??But there still is hope-Simply by harnessing the power of nature&treating the problem at its very roots,we could still overpower this demon which troubles most of us so much 🙂 Let us know the why’s and how’s of acne for that first…….
Acne or acne vulgaris  is generally caused due to hormonal imbalance and diet factors which cause over activity of the skin’s sebaceous or oil glands.The excessive oil clogs up the pore openings,and bacterial action on the oil causes inflammation,leading to acne or pimples.Acne is generally seen in teenagers or women after 30 at times.

Acne is basically of 3 types:

A.Whiteheads-Pimples remain under the skin’s surface.

B.Blackheads-Pimples rise to the skin’s surface and look  black

C.Papules-small pink bumps which can be tender

Handy Simple Tips to Nip Acne  in the bud: 

1.Drink lots and lots of water-Drink at least 8 glasses a day  to purify the blood.

2.Healthy Diet:Avoid colas,caffeinated drinks and oily food.Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

3.Purify inside out:Soak one pod of garlic  in vinegar for few hours.Discard the vinegar and have the garlic pod…It is an excellent blood purifier….Well no pain-no gain:)

4.Keep it clean:Wash the face often with plain water and gently pat dry.Do not use harsh soaps to cleanse the face,or pick at or squeeze the acne.Use a mild herbal face wash to keep the face clean.

5.Tone the skin:Use toners to close the pores.Splashing your face with cold water or witch hazel works well to close the pores.

6.Exfoliation is the key:Exfoliate regularly with a mild exfoliating scrub like oatmeal scrub or walnut scrub.It cleanses the skin,removes dead skin cells and bacteria,and reduces the accumulation of sebum.Good for blackheads as well as white heads.

7.Papaya Keeps Acne Away:  Papaya  fruit contains papain which is beneficial for swollen acne,pus formation.It is  a very good exfoliator,removing dead cells ,softening and smoothening the skin . Apply  a mixture of papaya pulp, and honey to the face and wash off after half an hour.Alternatively you can use a Papaya fruity facepack to absorb the excess oil.It acts as an excellent antiacne and hyper pigmentation remedy,and helps the skin feel soft and smooth.

8.The Aloevera Rub:Apply the aloevera gel from the aloevera  leaf to the acne prone area twice a day.Allow the juice to remain for half an hour and wash off.Aloevera the miracle plant greatly reduces the swelling, inflammation and redness associated with acne. Further, if you use the aloe vera gel every day, it will help prevent acne outbreaks

9.Onion to the Rescue:Grate onion to get onion juice and chill it to remove the fumes.Apply a paste of a teaspoonful of onion juice and half a tsp of honey to the acne,and wash off after half an hour.Repeat twice a day till they subside.Onion juice has anti-inflammatory and anti infective properties and has been scientifically proven to be an anti acne remedy.

10.Green Lemony Cure:For treating whiteheads,pimples or blackheads :Apply a paste of neem leaves,honey and lemon juice on the affected areas.Wash off well after half an hour.Alternatively use arnica and tulsi leaves as well.Antiseptic and exfoliative in nature with natural Alpha hydroxy acids(AHA),the combination of lemons,Neem ,arnica & tulsi are effective anti bacterial agents has been proven to reduce the size of acne.

11.Licorice heals acne:  Paste of licorice which contains natural glycerrhitinic acid has been shown to be effective against acne.

12.Healing Mask:Apply an egg white mask over the affected areas.Wash off after 15 mins and pat dry.Eggs have proteins with  potent healing properties  which makes this a great method for healing and clearing away acne.

13.Strawberry Face wash and  masks: Strawberries are rich in salicylic acid, which is the same key ingredient in many commercial acne products. Hence, it is recommended for those with acne.They  possesses considerable medicinal value as an anti inflammatory agent&exfoliator. Blend 2  mashed strawberries mixed with 1 tbsp of honey, apply on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, pat dry  and moisturize as usual.Strawberry are natural  cleansers,and also reduces inflammation and dryness of skin,thus ideal for the skin.
14.Heal with Turmeric : Tip from a fan, Shyma Rahul Monteiro

Turmeric is one of the most effective remedies for acne,it has antibacterial properties so it cures acne without leaving any scars.Mix turmeric powder with water to a cream consistence and apply a thick layer on the effected area.Leave it for 45-60 minutes,wash with plain water.Remember not to squeeze  pimples with your nails,it will break itself when u apply turmeric.Just wipe it with cotton and apply aloe gel, repeat this for 1-2days for a acne free skin.

Natural remedies are  by no means  overnight acne cures, but persevere with these simple do at home tips&the results will start showing up in a few days time!!Do post your feedback on these time-tested natural remedies for permanent relief from Acne.Any personally tested solutions are most welcome as well for the benefit of our readers…..let’s win this round against Acne!!!:)